Clipping through walls?!

A big effect of the way we choose to do movement was that it ignored standard physics, and used our own system. We choose this for the idea that we didnt really want standard physics for our snail game, walls and collisions in our game should make you FASTER, not slower.
But at the speeds we got to we started moving too fast and before we could check for a collision we stepped through the wall, and were already falling! We brainstormed a few ways we could combat this, from raycasting ahead of the player and not moving beyond that if there was a wall, to using unitys physics system correctly and overriding default collisions in favour of our bouncy speeding up ones. In the end a arcadey style car system based off a gif posted by kenney using a sphere collider as a driver, to give really fluid and driftey movement was what we settled on for remaking our movement system to prevent the clipping.
@Kenny on twitter (reference to where the idea for the arcade drift controller came from)
Once we rebuilt the movement we could immediately feel the improvement in how our game played, this high speed acradey racing also lead us to a major game design overhaul changing our idea from slowest wins to fastest wins!
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